Handwriting Analysis

o    Handwriting analysis is a process that makes it possible to match a piece of handwriting to an individual. It is often used in forensics by comparing and authenticating documents in forgery cases involving ransom notes, forged contracts, forged wills, fake ID's, fake passports, and other forms of writing. It is easy to prove a person's handwriting because everyone writies with unique characteristics formed at the time they first learned how to write. These special characteristics include line quality, form, content, and arrangement. At first, analysts compare handwriting by plain sight or a hand lens, but special lighting such as angled or backlights, can be used to show the document in more detail. Infared Spectroscope can also be used to examine ink.



  1. thats interesting about the infared spectrascope and the ink. I dont really see anything wrong with this post, goodjob :)

  2. I agree with Matthew! The writing is very insightful and I really like the picture you chose.
