History of hair and fiber analysis

FBI lab technician cuts a sample of fabric from the clothing of a hit-and-run victim for comparison with fibers taken from the bumper of a suspect's car. © BETTMANN/CORBIS
o http://www.ehow.com/about_6102496_forensic-science_-hair-fiber-analysis.html

o   Once the value of using hair and fiber analyssis was realized, it began its use in criminal investigations. In 1857 in France, the first scientific report of the study of hair was published. Then the field of microscopic hair examination took off and began to expand rapidly in the early 20th century. In 1931, " Hairs of Mammalia form the Medico-legal Aspect" was published by professor John Glaister and became an important resource. Also, in 1977, John Hick's "Microscopy of Hairs: A Practical Guide and Manual" became a basis for forensic examination.

1 comment:

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