How forensic handwriting analysis was used to expose forgery case

o  Handwriting analysis can be used to verify suspects by examining the legitimacy of signatures and legal identifications. In recent years however, computer-generated holograms of signatures are used to analyze tiny variations in handwriting which makes it easier to identify the writer.
o   On March 1, 1932 Charles Lindbergh, Jr. was kindnapped from the nursery of the Lindbergh home in New Jersey. When the premise was searched by the police, a $50,000 ransom note was found on the nursery window sill, along with a ladder and traces of mud footprints on the floor. A total of twelve ransom notes were acquired before an intermediary, Dr. John F. Condon, met with a man called “John” to negotiate the exchange. The demands were met and a thirteenth note instructed that the child could found on a boat named “Nellie” near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Although two searches were conducted there, the boy was not found until May 13, 1932 by an unsuspecting individual. Multiple investigations followed, including handwriting analysis. After reviewing the ransom notes, nearly all of the experts agreed that they were written by the same person. They were also able to conclude that the writer was of German nationality but had spent some time in America. This was conclusion was important because it enabled the investigators to further identify the characteristics of the kidnapper, Bruno Richard Hauptmann.


  1. This comment is for all of the handwritting posts:
    Everything sounds really good and I like the bulleted lists but there are no pictures and I think they would help to show examples of the things you are explaining.

  2. thats an interesting story i did hear about this one but you might want to add more pictures
