Crime Scene

o   To culminate everything we learned in our forensic science unit, our last event was a full investigation of a simulated crime scene. To start, our group was given a total of ten clues and a list of people who might have been involved. Our clues included a black high heel, two written notes, two fingerprints, a fingerprint that needed to be lifted, an earring, a piece of green fiber, a possible poison, a footprint, a sample of blood, and a hair sample. Then we used all our learned investigative skills to analyze the evidence and identify the perpetrator, Smokey Johnson, and the victim, Tyese Jefferson. 

o   We believe the crime transpired as follows:
      We know that Tyese Jefferson works as a counselor and Smokey Johnson works in the food industry, so it is possible that Johnson was able to poison Jefferson at work. Johnson had records of a restraining order, so  if it was against Jefferson, she might have known she was in danger. Also, if she knew she had thyroid problems she oculd have returned to her house, which is the location of our crime scene. Due to the note found, we can assume that Johnson had time to write for help before the poison took effect and left fingerprints behind. We also know that Johnson had time to write for help before the poison took effect and left fingerprints behind. We also know that bleeding is a symptom of thyroid problems, which would explain the blood. Because there was no body found at the crime scene it is likely that Johnson came to the house after Jefferson had died to remove her body. It is also possible that once he came in and saw her body, he could have written the note. Evidences such as the shoe, earring, and green nylon fibers, may have been objects that fell offf of Jefferson's body if she had been dragged away quickly. This hurried action could be explained by the dog hair found, because if the dog began to bark loudly, Johnson would not have wanted to get caught. If he was in a rush, he would have those objects as well as the fingerprints behind. This would also explain the footpritn in the mud.

1 comment:

  1. good therory and everything and i like the pictures but maybe list what they are
